Division Stats - 2023 Division 4

Most Runs in the Season

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Tom Dixon Christian Malford 842 14 5 93.6 106*
Tommy Joyce Bishops Cannings 561 14 0 40.1 145
Gareth Pugh Christian Malford 556 13 4 61.8 137*
Ben Dickenson Sherston Magna 480 14 2 40.0 95
Nick Crabbe Marlborough 2 412 11 0 37.5 99
Phil Alsop Bishops Cannings 378 12 0 31.5 163
Mike Spong Beehive Southwick 355 12 1 32.3 82*
Jon Keepen Winsley 2 336 13 0 25.8 66
Stan Alsop Bishops Cannings 333 10 1 37.0 85
Grant Savides Beehive Southwick 322 9 0 35.8 115
Gary Collins Beehive Southwick 322 14 3 29.3 58
Stephen Fourie Corsham 3 314 5 1 78.5 104
Ben Head Marlborough 2 284 6 1 56.8 63
Pete Andrews Beehive Southwick 280 11 2 31.1 71
Freddie Richards Winsley 2 259 4 2 129.5 124*
Paul Clarke Hinton Charterhouse 2 257 12 1 23.4 56
Rob Moyser Winsley 2 249 4 2 124.5 115*
Damian Dixon Christian Malford 245 12 2 24.5 42*
Peter Day Marlborough 2 239 5 1 59.8 103
Theo Todhunter Corsham 3 238 6 1 47.6 106
Andy Hallett Keevil 237 12 2 23.7 83*
Rory Howell Winsley 2 234 12 3 26.0 54*
Ryan Allen Purton 2 232 9 0 25.8 62
Phil Duffell Purton 2 231 12 1 21.0 49
James Tilsley Keevil 228 6 2 57.0 99
Matthew Lever Bishops Cannings 221 11 3 27.6 72
Alan Dickenson Sherston Magna 218 11 2 24.2 45
Nigel Reeves Beehive Southwick 208 12 4 26.0 68*
Toby Nightingale Winsley 2 204 8 0 25.5 71
Chris Fisk Sherston Magna 202 10 2 25.3 67

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Highest Batting Average

Minimum: 200 Runs

Name Team Runs Innings Not OutN.O. Average High ScoreH.S.
Freddie Richards Winsley 2 259 4 2 129.5 124*
Rob Moyser Winsley 2 249 4 2 124.5 115*
Tom Dixon Christian Malford 842 14 5 93.6 106*
Stephen Fourie Corsham 3 314 5 1 78.5 104
Gareth Pugh Christian Malford 556 13 4 61.8 137*
Peter Day Marlborough 2 239 5 1 59.8 103
James Tilsley Keevil 228 6 2 57.0 99
Ben Head Marlborough 2 284 6 1 56.8 63
Theo Todhunter Corsham 3 238 6 1 47.6 106
Tommy Joyce Bishops Cannings 561 14 0 40.1 145
Ben Dickenson Sherston Magna 480 14 2 40.0 95
Nick Crabbe Marlborough 2 412 11 0 37.5 99
Stan Alsop Bishops Cannings 333 10 1 37.0 85
Grant Savides Beehive Southwick 322 9 0 35.8 115
Mike Spong Beehive Southwick 355 12 1 32.3 82*
Phil Alsop Bishops Cannings 378 12 0 31.5 163
Pete Andrews Beehive Southwick 280 11 2 31.1 71
Gary Collins Beehive Southwick 322 14 3 29.3 58
Matthew Lever Bishops Cannings 221 11 3 27.6 72
Rory Howell Winsley 2 234 12 3 26.0 54*
Nigel Reeves Beehive Southwick 208 12 4 26.0 68*
Jon Keepen Winsley 2 336 13 0 25.8 66
Ryan Allen Purton 2 232 9 0 25.8 62
Toby Nightingale Winsley 2 204 8 0 25.5 71
Chris Fisk Sherston Magna 202 10 2 25.3 67
Damian Dixon Christian Malford 245 12 2 24.5 42*
Alan Dickenson Sherston Magna 218 11 2 24.2 45
Andy Hallett Keevil 237 12 2 23.7 83*
Paul Clarke Hinton Charterhouse 2 257 12 1 23.4 56
Phil Duffell Purton 2 231 12 1 21.0 49

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Highest Scores

Name Score Team Opponents
Phil Alsop 163 Bishops Cannings v Sherston Magna
Tommy Joyce 145 Bishops Cannings @ Sherston Magna
Gareth Pugh 137* Christian Malford v Beehive Southwick
Phil Drake 136 Winsley 2 v Beehive Southwick
Peter Dennett 127* Corsham 3 @ Marlborough 2
Freddie Richards 124* Winsley 2 @ Sherston Magna
Tommy Joyce 121 Bishops Cannings v Sherston Magna
Rob Moyser 115* Winsley 2 @ Beehive Southwick
Grant Savides 115 Beehive Southwick v Winsley 2
Gareth Pugh 111* Christian Malford v Bishops Cannings
Toby Goodman 109* Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Sherston Magna
Tom Dixon 106* Christian Malford v Marlborough 2
Theo Todhunter 106 Corsham 3 @ Keevil
Tom Dixon 105* Christian Malford @ Keevil
Tom Dixon 105* Christian Malford @ Bishops Cannings
Stephen Fourie 104 Corsham 3 @ Keevil
Peter Day 103 Marlborough 2 v Corsham 3
Tom Dixon 102* Christian Malford v Bishops Cannings
Tom Dixon 101 Christian Malford v Keevil
Peter Day 100* Marlborough 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Grant Savides 100 Beehive Southwick v Sherston Magna
Nick Crabbe 99 Marlborough 2 @ Sherston Magna
James Tilsley 99 Keevil @ Christian Malford
Ben Dickenson 95 Sherston Magna v Bishops Cannings
Stephen Fourie 86 Corsham 3 v Beehive Southwick
Stan Alsop 85 Bishops Cannings v Corsham 3
Andy Hallett 83* Keevil @ Christian Malford
Gareth Pugh 83* Christian Malford @ Beehive Southwick
Mike Spong 82* Beehive Southwick v Marlborough 2
Phil Alsop 82 Bishops Cannings @ Sherston Magna
Stephen Fourie 80 Corsham 3 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Freddie Richards 80 Winsley 2 @ Beehive Southwick
Christopher Knight 79* Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Corsham 3
Marlon Crichton 79* Marlborough 2 @ Beehive Southwick
Tom Dixon 79 Christian Malford v Beehive Southwick
Tommy Joyce 78 Bishops Cannings @ Christian Malford
Scott Woolley 77 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Keevil
Nick Crabbe 77 Marlborough 2 @ Purton 2
Tom Dixon 76 Christian Malford v Purton 2
Ashley Rendall 75 Beehive Southwick @ Purton 2
Tom Dixon 72* Christian Malford v Winsley 2
Rob Moyser 72 Winsley 2 @ Keevil
Matthew Lever 72 Bishops Cannings v Marlborough 2
Toby Nightingale 71 Winsley 2 v Marlborough 2
Ben Dickenson 71 Sherston Magna @ Corsham 3
Pete Andrews 71 Beehive Southwick @ Keevil
Brad Whitbread 70* Bishops Cannings @ Christian Malford
Nigel Reeves 68* Beehive Southwick v Keevil
Will Miller 68 Marlborough 2 v Corsham 3
Akshay Kumar 68 Marlborough 2 @ Winsley 2
Ben Hadfield 68 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Christian Malford
Theo Todhunter 67* Corsham 3 @ Bishops Cannings
Chris Fisk 67 Sherston Magna @ Purton 2
Jordon Harker 67 Purton 2 v Winsley 2
Neil Hussey 66* Winsley 2 v Purton 2
Jon Keepen 66 Winsley 2 @ Purton 2
Dominic White 65 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Winsley 2
William Carter 64* Purton 2 v Winsley 2
Ben Head 63 Marlborough 2 v Purton 2
Tommy Joyce 63 Bishops Cannings v Marlborough 2
Ryan Allen 62 Purton 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Mike Spong 62 Beehive Southwick @ Corsham 3
Ben Head 62 Marlborough 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Kelvin Lockwood 62 Keevil v Christian Malford
Ben Head 62 Marlborough 2 v Keevil
Gary Cooper 61* Purton 2 v Beehive Southwick
Guy Dawson 61* Purton 2 v Keevil
Jordon Harker 61 Purton 2 @ Winsley 2
Tom Dixon 61 Christian Malford @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Billy Sefton-Moore 60 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Christian Malford
Ben Dickenson 58* Sherston Magna @ Purton 2
Gary Collins 58 Beehive Southwick v Marlborough 2
Callum Barnes 58 Bishops Cannings @ Purton 2
Tom Beard 58 Christian Malford v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Gareth Pugh 57 Christian Malford @ Winsley 2
Nick Crabbe 56 Marlborough 2 @ Winsley 2
Jon Keepen 56 Winsley 2 v Christian Malford
Paul Clarke 56 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Marlborough 2
Nick Crabbe 55 Marlborough 2 @ Beehive Southwick
Christopher Knight 54* Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Christian Malford
Rory Howell 54* Winsley 2 v Christian Malford
Gary Collins 54 Beehive Southwick @ Winsley 2
James Edmund 54 Corsham 3 v Keevil
Rob Moyser 53* Winsley 2 v Purton 2
Ben Head 53* Marlborough 2 @ Christian Malford
Ben Dickenson 53* Sherston Magna v Beehive Southwick
Stan Alsop 52* Bishops Cannings @ Keevil
Freddie Richards 52 Winsley 2 v Purton 2
Rich Turnell 52 Marlborough 2 v Winsley 2
Nigel Reeves 51* Beehive Southwick @ Christian Malford
Om Trivedi 51 Purton 2 v Bishops Cannings
Matthew Lever 50* Bishops Cannings @ Christian Malford
Thomas Felstead 50 Winsley 2 v Marlborough 2
Jack Harvey 50 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Marlborough 2
Stan Alsop 50 Bishops Cannings @ Corsham 3
Jon Keepen 50 Winsley 2 v Corsham 3

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Most Wickets in the Season

Name Team WicketsWkt Figures Ave Eco SR
Damian Dixon Christian Malford 28 107-13-435-28 15.54 4.07 22.93
Rory Howell Winsley 2 27 84.5-12-332-27 12.30 3.91 18.85
Ned Jones Corsham 3 26 97-17-360-26 13.85 3.71 22.38
Gary Collins Beehive Southwick 26 112-16-423-26 16.27 3.78 25.85
Deepak Ramani Marlborough 2 22 91.4-9-335-22 15.23 3.65 25.00
Simon Emmett Keevil 21 103-19-383-21 18.24 3.72 29.43
Cole Crumbie Purton 2 21 104.1-9-505-21 24.05 4.85 29.76
Matthew Lever Bishops Cannings 20 82.1-30-183-20 9.15 2.23 24.65
Stephen Fourie Corsham 3 19 45-9-125-19 6.58 2.78 14.21
Stan Alsop Bishops Cannings 19 77-19-195-19 10.26 2.53 24.32
John Bramwell Bishops Cannings 19 72.1-10-273-19 14.37 3.78 22.79
George May Christian Malford 19 87.4-11-366-19 19.26 4.17 27.68
Lily Day Corsham 3 18 86-12-338-18 18.78 3.93 28.67
Simon Butcher Hinton Charterhouse 2 18 83.4-11-378-18 21.00 4.52 27.89
Harry Stevens Sherston Magna 17 66.5-2-313-17 18.41 4.68 23.59
Alan Dickenson Sherston Magna 16 76.2-9-371-16 23.19 4.86 28.63
Toby Nightingale Winsley 2 15 55-5-209-15 13.93 3.80 22.00
Balakrishna Mareedu Marlborough 2 15 75.1-10-294-15 19.60 3.91 30.07
Fraser Conway Purton 2 14 100.1-17-381-14 27.21 3.80 42.93
Om Trivedi Purton 2 13 46.5-7-138-13 10.62 2.95 21.62
Edd Buckland Hinton Charterhouse 2 13 52.5-10-178-13 13.69 3.37 24.38
Finn Grant Hinton Charterhouse 2 12 54.4-12-166-12 13.83 3.04 27.33
Erica Baxter Winsley 2 12 32-2-167-12 13.92 5.22 16.00
Toby Goodman Hinton Charterhouse 2 12 68-14-219-12 18.25 3.22 34.00
Andy Lea Sherston Magna 12 45.5-3-285-12 23.75 6.22 22.92
Ben Dickenson Sherston Magna 12 69-8-310-12 25.83 4.49 34.50
Udhav Bhan Marlborough 2 12 83-5-348-12 29.00 4.19 41.50
James Devitt Corsham 3 11 36.1-0-166-11 15.09 4.59 19.73
Dave Nelson Sherston Magna 11 61-14-193-11 17.55 3.16 33.27
Jamie Richards Purton 2 11 51-6-231-11 21.00 4.53 27.82
Matt Evans Keevil 11 71-2-306-11 27.82 4.31 38.73
Rob Atkinson Marlborough 2 10 22.1-0-94-10 9.40 4.24 13.30
Matthew Holmes Hinton Charterhouse 2 10 25.4-1-114-10 11.40 4.44 15.40
Freddie Champniss Hinton Charterhouse 2 10 27-3-133-10 13.30 4.93 16.20
James Tilsley Keevil 10 33-1-162-10 16.20 4.91 19.80
Fraser Taylor Marlborough 2 10 51-5-202-10 20.20 3.96 30.60
Liam Cutler Bishops Cannings 10 58.3-9-266-10 26.60 4.55 35.10
Jon Bouault Keevil 10 61-7-307-10 30.70 5.03 36.60
Bryan Jefferies Beehive Southwick 10 60.3-5-328-10 32.80 5.42 36.30

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Best Bowling Average

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Average Figures Eco SR
Matthew Lever Bishops Cannings 9.15 82.1-30-183-20 2.23 24.65
Stan Alsop Bishops Cannings 10.26 77-19-195-19 2.53 24.32
Rory Howell Winsley 2 12.30 84.5-12-332-27 3.91 18.85
Edd Buckland Hinton Charterhouse 2 13.69 52.5-10-178-13 3.37 24.38
Finn Grant Hinton Charterhouse 2 13.83 54.4-12-166-12 3.04 27.33
Ned Jones Corsham 3 13.85 97-17-360-26 3.71 22.38
Toby Nightingale Winsley 2 13.93 55-5-209-15 3.80 22.00
John Bramwell Bishops Cannings 14.37 72.1-10-273-19 3.78 22.79
Deepak Ramani Marlborough 2 15.23 91.4-9-335-22 3.65 25.00
Damian Dixon Christian Malford 15.54 107-13-435-28 4.07 22.93
Gary Collins Beehive Southwick 16.27 112-16-423-26 3.78 25.85
Dave Nelson Sherston Magna 17.55 61-14-193-11 3.16 33.27
Simon Emmett Keevil 18.24 103-19-383-21 3.72 29.43
Toby Goodman Hinton Charterhouse 2 18.25 68-14-219-12 3.22 34.00
Harry Stevens Sherston Magna 18.41 66.5-2-313-17 4.68 23.59
Lily Day Corsham 3 18.78 86-12-338-18 3.93 28.67
George May Christian Malford 19.26 87.4-11-366-19 4.17 27.68
Balakrishna Mareedu Marlborough 2 19.60 75.1-10-294-15 3.91 30.07

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Best Bowling Economy

Minimum 50 overs

Name Team Economy Figures Ave SR
Matthew Lever Bishops Cannings 2.23 82.1-30-183-20 9.15 24.65
Stan Alsop Bishops Cannings 2.53 77-19-195-19 10.26 24.32
Peter Orchard Winsley 2 2.61 72.5-17-190-7 27.14 62.43
Harry Easton Bishops Cannings 2.78 75.3-21-210-8 26.25 56.63
Katy Cobb Corsham 3 2.95 62-16-183-8 22.88 46.50
Finn Grant Hinton Charterhouse 2 3.04 54.4-12-166-12 13.83 27.33
Dave Nelson Sherston Magna 3.16 61-14-193-11 17.55 33.27
Toby Goodman Hinton Charterhouse 2 3.22 68-14-219-12 18.25 34.00
Kevin May Christian Malford 3.36 92-16-309-9 34.33 61.33
Edd Buckland Hinton Charterhouse 2 3.37 52.5-10-178-13 13.69 24.38
Pete Andrews Beehive Southwick 3.46 74.5-13-259-7 37.00 64.14
Deepak Ramani Marlborough 2 3.65 91.4-9-335-22 15.23 25.00
Ned Jones Corsham 3 3.71 97-17-360-26 13.85 22.38
Simon Emmett Keevil 3.72 103-19-383-21 18.24 29.43
Gary Collins Beehive Southwick 3.78 112-16-423-26 16.27 25.85
John Bramwell Bishops Cannings 3.78 72.1-10-273-19 14.37 22.79
Toby Nightingale Winsley 2 3.80 55-5-209-15 13.93 22.00
Fraser Conway Purton 2 3.80 100.1-17-381-14 27.21 42.93
Rory Howell Winsley 2 3.91 84.5-12-332-27 12.30 18.85
Balakrishna Mareedu Marlborough 2 3.91 75.1-10-294-15 19.60 30.07
Lily Day Corsham 3 3.93 86-12-338-18 18.78 28.67
Fraser Taylor Marlborough 2 3.96 51-5-202-10 20.20 30.60
Connor Assinder Christian Malford 3.98 64.3-10-257-9 28.56 43.00

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Best Bowling Figures

Name Figures Team Opponents
Ned Jones 8-3-12-6 Corsham 3 v Purton 2
Rory Howell 9-3-19-6 Winsley 2 @ Corsham 3
Freddie Champniss 7-2-14-5 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Marlborough 2
Matthew Holmes 4.4-0-18-5 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Sherston Magna
John Bramwell 8.5-3-28-5 Bishops Cannings v Sherston Magna
Damian Dixon 9-1-28-5 Christian Malford @ Beehive Southwick
Stephen Fourie 9-1-29-5 Corsham 3 v Beehive Southwick
Gary Collins 9-1-30-5 Beehive Southwick v Keevil
Harry Stevens 9-0-31-5 Sherston Magna v Purton 2
George May 9-1-39-5 Christian Malford @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Jamie Richards 4-1-8-4 Purton 2 @ Keevil
Om Trivedi 6-1-9-4 Purton 2 @ Keevil
John Bramwell 7-2-12-4 Bishops Cannings @ Purton 2
Matthew Lever 4.1-1-14-4 Bishops Cannings @ Keevil
Matthew Lever 9-3-15-4 Bishops Cannings @ Sherston Magna
Gary Archer 5-1-16-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Winsley 2
Deepak Ramani 7.3-1-18-4 Marlborough 2 v Winsley 2
Alex Dolan 6.4-2-19-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 @ Purton 2
Simon Butcher 7-2-19-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Keevil
Ned Jones 8.5-2-20-4 Corsham 3 v Sherston Magna
Stephen Fourie 6.3-0-21-4 Corsham 3 @ Keevil
George May 9-4-21-4 Christian Malford v Sherston Magna
Cole Crumbie 9-2-21-4 Purton 2 @ Corsham 3
James Devitt 5.5-0-23-4 Corsham 3 v Winsley 2
Rob Atkinson 6-0-23-4 Marlborough 2 v Beehive Southwick
Andy Day 6-1-24-4 Corsham 3 v Keevil
Ethan Saunders 6.1-1-24-4 Keevil v Sherston Magna
Connor Assinder 8.5-2-25-4 Christian Malford v Beehive Southwick
George May 9-2-25-4 Christian Malford @ Corsham 3
Chris Knight 8-3-26-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Beehive Southwick
Lily Day 9-2-26-4 Corsham 3 @ Winsley 2
Rohit Gurjar 6-1-28-4 Marlborough 2 @ Beehive Southwick
Daniella Tilsley 6-0-29-4 Keevil @ Christian Malford
Stephen Fourie 9-2-30-4 Corsham 3 @ Bishops Cannings
Greg Davies 9-2-30-4 Purton 2 v Marlborough 2
Toby Nightingale 9-1-30-4 Winsley 2 @ Keevil
Erica Baxter 7-0-31-4 Winsley 2 @ Purton 2
Damian Dixon 9-1-31-4 Christian Malford v Marlborough 2
Gary Collins 9-2-32-4 Beehive Southwick @ Purton 2
Harrison Burridge 6-1-33-4 Purton 2 v Keevil
Ned Jones 7-0-34-4 Corsham 3 v Bishops Cannings
Fraser Conway 9-2-34-4 Purton 2 v Keevil
Kevin May 9-2-34-4 Christian Malford v Beehive Southwick
Rob Atkinson 8-0-36-4 Marlborough 2 v Purton 2
Stan Alsop 9-2-36-4 Bishops Cannings v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Simon Butcher 8.4-1-37-4 Hinton Charterhouse 2 v Christian Malford
Chris Fisk 8-0-39-4 Sherston Magna v Winsley 2
Amar Mashiana 8.2-2-40-4 Purton 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Alan Dickenson 9-0-44-4 Sherston Magna v Hinton Charterhouse 2
Phil Duffell 9-0-52-4 Purton 2 @ Christian Malford
Jon Bouault 9-1-54-4 Keevil @ Hinton Charterhouse 2
Cole Crumbie 8-0-55-4 Purton 2 @ Bishops Cannings

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Name Figures Team Opponents

Lowest Team Scores

Score Overs Team Opponents
43-10 15.5 Purton 2 v Corsham 3
49-10 20.3 Keevil v Purton 2
59-10 34.4 Marlborough 2 v Bishops Cannings
66-10 29.4 Corsham 3 v Bishops Cannings
66-10 28.4 Sherston Magna v Christian Malford
71-10 22.4 Keevil v Hinton Charterhouse 2
75-7 26.2 Keevil v Marlborough 2
85-3 20.4 Purton 2 v Christian Malford
89-10 29.5 Corsham 3 v Winsley 2
92-10 22.2 Keevil v Corsham 3
94-10 23.1 Keevil v Bishops Cannings
96-10 30.3 Winsley 2 v Marlborough 2
99-10 39.2 Corsham 3 v Purton 2
100-10 36.1 Sherston Magna v Keevil
105-10 35.5 Sherston Magna v Bishops Cannings
105-8 25 Winsley 2 v Hinton Charterhouse 2
111-10 31.2 Beehive Southwick v Bishops Cannings
116-10 32 Beehive Southwick v Sherston Magna
117-10 34.3 Keevil v Beehive Southwick
118-10 36.1 Marlborough 2 v Corsham 3
123-10 36.5 Purton 2 v Beehive Southwick
123-10 29.3 Christian Malford v Hinton Charterhouse 2
124-8 35 Corsham 3 v Purton 2

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